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I am addicted to cookies. Yes, I LOVE cookies! I love all kinds of cookies, and have only had a few cookies in my entire life that I did not like, besides every hard cookie in existence. I HATE hard cookies, they are such a let down! So, I bring you my single most FAVORITE cookie on the planet. Chocolate Chip Cookies….New York Times Best Seller Cookies… and the same!

Here is the link to the blog I found them on: Cookies.

I half the recipe. There is WAY too much dough for me to make into cookies if I don’t (think 3 hours straight of cookie baking to complete the batch with the original recipe). Also, I add normal semi-sweet chocolate chips. The bittersweet chocolate or the baking chocolate is just not sweet enough for me! I don’t like to have a bitter aftertaste in my mouth after consuming a super-amazing cookie!

Now, go make cookies!

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