So, here are the cabinets
This is before the light rail was put it on Friday.
Now for the bad news…. It won’t be done for another six weeks at least.
That’s right, six weeks.
The base cabinet to the right is the wrong size.
It’s no ones fault, the computer program said there was enough room for the sink bump out with that size cabinet, but there really wasn’t.
On the bright side, the wall color, tile and cabinets look awesome!
UPDATE: The installer installed the pieces on either side of the sink (the ones that make it bump out) backward (the right was on the left and the left was on the right). When installed correctly there is enough room for the dishwasher with the current cabinet. :~)
Thank YOU to Sheri at Home Depot for figuring this out! :~)
It will still be at least 5 weeks since they ordered us a new bottom and a new back for the sink cabinet since the holes for the plumbing and electrical will be all wrong with it moved over two inches. :~) Thank you HOM solutions for this!